Nov 30

Netherlands Antilles - An Update

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As pointed out by Paul in his previous article, the Netherlands Antilles were scheduled to be dissolved last year, however they are still listed on the FIFA site. We have been innundated with literally no requests to know what we're talking about, but if you're reading this then you probably already know. If not, let me give you a brief history of the situation. The Netherlands Antilles (or Dutch Antilles) are the smallest nation to ever hold the UFWC title, having shockingly defeated Mexico in 1963. Their reign was brief, but the record they achieved remains unbeaten to this day, and is the closest the UFWC has to any folklore � their achievement certainly has an unbeatable, immortal feel to it. Last year, we reported that the Dutch Antilles were scheduled to be dissolved on October 10th 2010, and that after contacting FIFA and the Netherlands Antilles FA (NAVU), we brought you- as far as a quick Google search tells me - the world-exclusive news that Curacao would take the Dutch Antilles' place in FIFA, taking over their records. As I type, this transformation has yet to happen. So once again we contacted FIFA for an answer, which they very kindly provided. On February 6th this year - by complete coincidence only a day after we contacted FIFA - the NAVU held a General Assembly to change its name to the Federashon Futbol Korsou, or FKK (and no, that isn't a mistake in abbreviation). As detailed by FIFA, the association prevoiusly went under the name of Curacao Football Federation, or KFF (and no, that isn't a mistake either), between 1934 and 1948, which then became the NAVU when the Netherlands Antilles were formed. So with this dissolution, Curacao are really getting back in touch with their roots. On March 6th, elections for the new board of the FKK will be held, which is when, presumably, the transfer of records will take place, and Curacao will take the place of the Netherlands Antilles. And obviously, the new association will only consist of the island of Curacao, not Bonaire or any of the smaller surrounding islands. So there you have it, the update which nobody wanted, but every UFWC fan must know. We will keep you up-to-date with the situation as and if it changes, because as much as the future is important, it's always good to know your history.